Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Mohawk is Back...

Last night Aiden finally got the Mohawk he has been wanting. I kept telling him we needed to get his hair cut and he said he wanted a mohawk. So, since Daddy was back from NY he buzzed him. It's actually pretty cute and will look better when his hair gets a little longer up top. And this picture is Haley cheese-ballin like usual.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Daddy time...

Today when Daddy got home from work he got to spend some alone time with Haley while Aiden was napping. I got a perfect picture with her teeth and she thinks Daddy is pretty funny (looking)!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

...We're Back!

I heard the doorbell ring and yay - my camera is back! Finally. I have been missing lots of stuff and I am excited to start posting pictures again!

I can stand all on my own! It won't be long before I take off!

So far Haley has 2 top and 2 bottom teeth. Right now she is working on a 3rd bottom tooth so she crawls around the house with her tongue sticking out!

Just looking sweet!

Aiden playing with one of his many cars.

Both the kids have been sick for a couple days. They are on medications and I am trying to get them well for next week. Aiden and I are going to church camp all week where I will be a counselor. Haley will be staying home with Daddy...and hanging out with Farren during the day.